Gaby Gardiner

Gaby is wearing glasses, purple earrings, a black graphic tee, and a black button-down with blue, white, and red spots on it.

Gaby Gardiner
Vice President

Gaby thrives on taking their experience and focusing on LGBTQ2SIA+ specific issues and campaign strategies. They got their start in organizing at the University of Oregon, where they became involved with countless student organizations such as the Associated Student Government, Oregon Student Association (OSA), United States Student Association, Native American Student Union, and the Multicultural Center. Their first high capacity campaign was registering students to vote, and this 2014 registration drive is still the record holder for largest non-partisan voter registration to date. Gaby also worked closely to pass LGBTQ Data Collection, helping clear the way to cultural competency for faculty and educators in higher education. Gaby then went to Lane Community College to serve as their Campus Organizer for OSA to be a full-stop support system for student organizing efforts on the community college level. Gaby has also served as the Organizing Director for OSA, which allowed them to take their years of experience in training new organizers, building statewide campaign plans, and supporting grassroots efforts towards legislative policy changes. They are proud to announce that even during the first pandemic long-legislative session, OSA was able to pass every priority bill. This achieved Basic Needs Navigators on all public college campuses, textbook on-time adoption requirements. and much more. Gaby enjoys fur babies and a good show, and is a tea fanatic.