TransWild Forest Frolic

Event Details

Pack a picnic lunch and join us for a day at Mt. Pisgah Arboretum to celebrate the great outdoors!

Have you ever wanted to go camping but felt you lacked the required skill or equipment?

Have you dreamed of wandering through the woods but felt too nervous or unprepared?

Have the barriers of accessibility, expectations, or lack of community ever made you feel that the outdoors simply wasn’t for you?

There are many barriers for people within the queer, trans/gender-diverse, BIPOC. and/or disabled communities when it comes to having positive and rewarding outdoor experiences, and yet, nature is for everyone. That’s why TransPonder is proud to be partnering with the Mt. Pisgah Arboretum and Cascadia Wildlands for a day of nature-based fun specifically created for queer, trans, and other marginalized folks.

The Forest Frolic is a free, all-ages event complete with guided nature walks, fun activities and workshops, and a community of queer and trans folks, plus a group of intentional allied organizations.

Click HERE to RSVP on the Facebook Event


11:00 AM…Open Activities (River Table, Coloring Pages, etc), Organization Tables

11:30 AM…Nature Walk & Field Checking Basics, led by August from Mt. Pisgah Arboretum & Madeline from Cascadia Wildlands: Learn how Cascadia Wildlands works to protect old-growth forests by doing field research. They’ll teach you the basics to know the difference between types of trees, as well as how to measure and catalog them.

12:30 PM…Cooking Workshop with Cascadia Wildlands: Learn the basics of camp cooking and help make some lunch!

1:00 PM…Lunch!

2:00 PM…Option 1: Camping Workshop with Cascadia Wildlands: Learn about the different equipment needed for a safe and fun camping adventure!
2:00 PM…Option 2: Nature Scavenger Hunt

3:00 PM…Nature Walk & Field Checking Basics, led by Sara from Mt. Pisgah Arboretum & Lily from Cascadia Wildlands: Learn how Cascadia Wildlands works to protect old-growth forests by doing field research. They’ll teach you the basics to know the difference between types of trees, as well as how to measure and catalog them.

All activities are free!


While the Arboretum does have a parking lot, there is limited parking, so we HIGHLY encourage folks to carpool if possible. In addition, the parking passes are $5 for the day. We are working on getting some free passes for the community, but they may be limited. If you have a financial barrier, please click HERE to reach out to our team.


Making nature accessible is a priority for Mt. Pisgah Arboretum, and they have been working diligently to add more options for folks with mobility concerns, including a trail that is physically accessible for most folks. Accessible parking is limited due to the lot’s location. Still, there will be a drop-off area by the pavilion to allow folks to arrive closer to the event and on solid, accessible pathways. The Pavilion will be open and will offer several seating options, as well as something out of the sun. If you have specific accessibility questions or concerns, please click HERE to reach out to our team.