The location for the TransParent Support Group was listed incorrectly. It will be meeting at The Lavender Network (440 Maxwell Road, Eugene, OR 97404) on Saturday.
We are looking for LGBTQIA2S+ artists to submit their work to be included in an art installation at The Lavender Network in celebration of Trans Day of Visibility!
The Performing Arts categories are Spoken Word Poetry, Music, Dance, Drag, and Other, and Fine Arts categories are 3-Dimensional Art, 2-Dimensional Art, Video, Photography, Textile Art, and Other.
All artists chosen to participate will be invited to a meet-and-greet at the reception on Sunday, March 30th. The reception will include food, drinks, first look at the chosen art, and live performances.
Artists with works for sale will have the option to sell directly or on commission. Artists may also choose to donate their piece to an auction benefitting TransPonder. (Allied artists are invited to participate in the auction as well.)
HIV Alliance and TransPonder offer free local hormone injection supply drop-off services for those with financial needs and/or transportation issues.
Orders must be placed by Tuesdays at 5:00 PM; Drop-off is on Thursdays
Everyone, all ages
Free Home Delivery in the Eugene/Springfield area (If you live outside the drop-off boundary or can’t have supplies dropped off to you, you can pick up injection supplies at The Lavender Network, 440 Maxwell Road, Eugene, OR 97404)
You can also drop off used sharps containers with us and/or with HIV Alliance. Contact us for our hours; contact HIV Alliance for their syringe exchange service hours. You can also sign up to receive an at-home HIV testing kit. You do not have to order hormone injection supplies to receive a kit.